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Sanilac County Genealogical Society
Adopted 19 April 2022



The name of the Society shall be "SANILAC COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY". Organized, March of Nineteen-hundred and ninety-eight. And, hereafter known as the "Society" for the purposes of these by-laws.




a)   To collect and aid in the preservation of Sanilac County records of genealogical value and to make available, to all those interested, all information and data on deposit.

b)   To encourage and assist members in genealogical research.

c)   To promote interest in family genealogy through education.

d)   To publish genealogical and historical data pertaining to Sanilac County




a)   The Sanilac County Genealogical Society shall be conducted as a publicly supported non-profit organization.

b)   The operating expenses of the Society shall be covered by membership dues, sales of publications and related genealogical materials and donations.




Membership shall be of two classes: Regular and Honorary.


a)   Regular membership is one or more persons at the same address receiving one newsletter.


b)   Honorary membership may be recommended by the Board of Directors for lifetime achievement or substantial consideration in the field of genealogical activities. This recommendation is subject to the following: receipt, in writing, of a synopsis or bio of the recommended party---limited to genealogical activities, discussion of the merits of such designation by the Board of Directors; and, submission to the membership present at a regular meeting for approval. Honorary members will be exempt from paying dues but will be sent a newsletter. The Treasurer will keep a list of honorary members.




The officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Trustees. Any additional officers, as may be deemed necessary in the future, shall be elected by a majority vote of the active members at any membership meeting.


a)   Upon election to the office, the President shall:

       i)    Preside at all regular meetings, Board meetings and Executive meetings of this Society.

       ii)   Appoint all special committees.

       iii)  Be empowered to disburse funds in the absence of the Treasurer.

b)  The Vice-President shall:

       i)    Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to serve.

       ii)   Shall assist the President in planning the meetings and in other organizational duties. 

c)   The Secretary shall:

       i)    Keep an accurate record of all meetings

       ii)   Maintain a current list of all standing rules adopted by the Society

       iii)  May receive and conduct Society correspondence as designated by the President.

       iv)  Act as Historian for the Society

       v)   If the chair is absent and there is no vice-president attending the meeting, then the secretary

             shall call the meeting to order. The secretary then shall preside until the assembly elects a

             chairperson pro tem, which should be done immediately.

d)  The Treasurer shall:

      i)   Maintain a simple bookkeeping journal.

      ii)  Collect dues and all monies collected for the Society and shall deposit, in a bank designated by

           the Board of Directors. Checks may be signed by the President or Treasurer. Bank balances shall

           be reconciled monthly.

      iii) Upon receipt of invoices, pay all bills.

      iv) Report receipts and disbursements to date, upon the request of the presiding officer. All records

           shall be open to all members at all times.

      v)  Maintain an accurate list of all paid members, names and addresses, of the Society and status of

           their dues.

e)   The Trustees shall:

       i)   Represent the membership at large.

       ii)  Assume responsibilities deemed necessary by the president and or Executive Board.

f)   ALL OFFICERS UPON RETIRING FROM OFFICE shall deliver to their successors all monies, accounts, records, books, papers or other property which belong to the Society at the Executive Meeting which occurs prior to June 1st.




a)   Regular meeting in April of each year shall be the "Annual Meeting".

b)   The Membership year shall run from June 1st to May 31st of the following year.

c)   Official monthly meetings of the Society will be held from and including the month of March to and including the month of November each year. These meetings will take place on the third Tuesday of each month at various places throughout the County. The meetings' schedules and programs shall be determined by the Executive Board and shall be published in the Society's Newsletter.

d)   Special Board meetings may be called by the President or upon request of three members.

e)  A Quorum at any Annual and Special meeting shall be ten percent of membership or one-half (1/2) of the Board Members at a Board Meeting.

f)   If schools are closed within the area of a meeting, then the meeting shall be cancelled.




a)   The amount of the annual membership dues will be determined at the March meeting; if the March meeting is cancelled then it shall be set at the earliest meeting following it.

b)   Membership dues shall be payable in advance on the first day of June of each year. Dues of a new member shall not be pro-rated.

c)   The dues for the year will entitle the member to each copy of the Society Newsletter.

d)   When any member shall be in default in the payment of membership dues for a period of three (3) months following expiration of the paid-up membership, their membership shall be terminated without written notification by the Board of Directors and the Newsletter subscription shall be cancelled.




a)   The election of officers shall be held at the April Annual meeting each year. New officers shall take office on June 1st and will hold office for a term of two (2) years. The offices of President, Treasurer and Trustee #1 shall be elected on odd-numbered years. The offices of Vice-President, Secretary and Trustee #2 shall be elected on even-numbered years.

b)   Any member in good standing may vote in the general election of officers in person at the April meeting. A request for an absentee ballot must be received by the Executive Board or Election Chairperson, by mail, email, or phone no later than the end of the March regular meeting, which is also, the close of nominations. This request will be passed on to the Election Chairperson to process said request. The absentee ballot must be returned in a sealed, unmarked, envelope to ensure an anonymous vote.

c)   In the event of an emergency absence at the Annual Meeting, an absentee ballot may be requested later than the March deadline, providing there is time to process the request before the Annual Meeting.

d)   Any absentee ballot not received before the end of elections at the Annual Meeting will be forfeit.

e)   The Election Chairperson shall be appointed by the President at the last meeting of the calendar year. It shall be their responsibility to seek nominees and to hold the election and report to the President on the progress. After the election has been conducted, the Election Chairperson shall be responsible for the destruction of ballots.




The six (6) Elected Officers shall constitute the Executive Board, and shall:


a)   Have full power and authority over the affairs of the Society, when deemed necessary, between the regular, Board of Directors or Society meetings.

b)   The Executive Board shall have power to dismiss any officer or committee for failure to perform their duties.




The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Board, Special Committees Chairpersons and Immediate Past President.


a)   The Society president shall be the Chair.

b)   The Society secretary shall record the minutes and roll call. If the chair is absent, then the secretary shall call the meeting to order. The secretary then shall preside until the remaining Board members elect a chair.

c)   Shall serve in an advisory capacity to the president.

d)   Board meetings may be called by the president, decided at a previous meeting, or initiated by contacting the president.

e)   Appoint committees on particular subjects from the members of the Executive Board, or other members of the Society.




All correspondence to and from these committees shall become the property of the Society and delivered to the Board.


a)   Special Committees.

      i)   Special Committees shall perform the duties assigned to promote the interest and welfare of

           the Society.

      ii)  The Chairperson shall preserve a record of their accomplishments and report to the Board of


      iii)  Any fees or monies collected by these committees shall be paid to the Treasurer.

      iv)  Upon retirement or removal of the Chairperson from office, he or she shall deliver to the

            Board all files, working papers, records and materials, or other property belonging to the Society,

            which the Society may pass to his or her successor.




a)   "Robert's Rule of Order -- Revised" shall govern this Society in all cases in which they are applicable and which they are not in conflict with the Society's By-Laws.




a)   Amendments of by-laws shall be presented at one regular meeting of the Society, where it may be tabled and copies distributed to the membership present for their deliberate consideration. A motion may then be made at the next regular meeting of the Society to act upon the said amendment.

b)   By-Laws may be revised or amended any time it is deemed necessary at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting.




a) No member of the Society shall contract for, enter into agreement, incur debts, or otherwise obligate the Society without the prior approval of the Executive Board.




a)   Donations of genealogical collections, records, documents and other related material are encouraged in order to promote the Society's stated purpose. However, the Society cannot bear the responsibility of any materials lost or destroyed in a any fashion. All donations shall become the property of the Society.




This clause is to provide for the distribution of assets upon the dissolution of the Society.


a)   Upon dissolution of the Sanilac County Genealogical Society, all of its' assets, which include both library holdings and cash fund balance shall be distributed according to the Board of Directors to a genealogical library or museum or other public holding of genealogical materials; preferably first choice would be considered within the County of Sanilac.




These by-laws shall take immediate effect, after the adoption by the society members present. All by-laws of the society heretofore adopted shall be superseded by these by-laws.


We certify that the foregoing by-laws were amended, as presented, at a regular meeting of the Sanilac County Genealogical Society held on the 17th day of September in the year 2019. Furthermore, we attest that these by-laws were presented to the membership present on August 20, 2019, for their review before said adoption.





Jolyne Fisher, President                  DATE           




Janet Long, Secretary                     DATE





© 2024 by Sanilac County Genealogical Society.

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